Left-click on the one(s) you like and press Regenerate. A second left-click on it will undo the selection. Right-click to see it bigger along with its genome; another click will return you to the main screen. Use Reinitialize to start over. Use Export to create a screenshot.

Please wait a few seconds while the program loads. Don’t forget to check the tips below for a better experience.

Reproduce until you see something you like.

You don't have to choose from the very first designs that you see when Gráphagos starts. Click Reinitialize to get more random beginnings until you like one of them; then select it and click Regenerate. Similarly, if you don't like any of the mutants in the new generation, click Regenerate again.

Keep a small number of elites.

Gráphagos adopts an ``elitist`` strategy for regeneration: the selected individuals are directly copied to the next generation as elites (with gray underlines) and only the remaining members are replaced with new mutants. Keeping a small number (1–3) of elites is recommended in order to allow more slots for the new mutants. So you may want to deselect old elites when you select new ones, if you don't want to keep them for a reason.

Choose shapes instead of photos.

Photographs can be attractive but going with shapes instead of photos usually is more fun, because shapes are more flexible design elements; their configurations change with the mutations in the genome. You may want to force yourself to stay away from unrelated photos that keep popping up.

Sex is forbidden.

Don’t expect to get mixtures of the chosen designs: for the time being, there is no mating between parents in Gráphagos. Choosing more than one graphago will create separate, non-interbreeding groups of offspring.

Be persistent.

Good design emerges when good mutations are accumulated throughout generations. The more you keep going, the better designs you will get. Many users have seen the 200th generation.

Be patient.

It may take some time to create the visual products, especially with photographs; wait a few moments when you click Reinitialize or Regenerate.

The above version of the program is a demo: you cannot change the text, the image/font pools (it is using system fonts here), the proportions of the canvas, the number of individuals in a generation, the mutation rates or the starting genome size – all changeable in the desktop version. It also does not keep a record of all the genomes as the desktop version does – your privacy is safe.